Purchasing a home is one of the most significant financial and personal decisions you’ll ever make, and having the right advice and guidance is essential to ensure success. Experience, expertise, and market knowledge aren’t just helpful—they’re the key to finding the perfect home at the best possible price.

At The Lux Inc., we pride ourselves on having a comprehensive understanding of the real estate market. Our clients benefit not only from access to publicly listed properties but also from exclusive opportunities, including off-market listings and insights into properties about to hit the market. We bring a discerning eye to every aspect of the process, from evaluating construction quality and materials to understanding the finer nuances that influence a home’s value.

We take the time to truly listen to your needs and preferences, working tirelessly to match you with a home that fits your lifestyle and goals. Once we find the right property, we will advocate for your interests every step of the way—from negotiating the best price to guiding you through every detail of the transaction. Beyond the purchase, we offer expert advice on enhancing your property’s value, whether through design, furniture selection, or remodeling ideas.

Our ultimate goal is to provide you with a seamless, informed, and enjoyable home-buying experience. Let us turn your vision into reality.

Contact us today to schedule a consultation—we look forward to helping you find your dream home.

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assessing your needs

Preparing to buy a home is multi-faceted. First, you must look carefully at your finances to determine if you’re in a position to pay cash or if you’ll need a loan. We will offer to arrange a pre-qualification or pre-approval appointment with a reputable lender/broker to identify your range of affordability (comfortability), discuss what mortgage products are available to you and to increase your negotiating strength.

We will provide a detailed Home Buying Guide & Homebuyers Questionnaire to define your homebuying needs and narrow down what is most important to you before starting the search. It’s an essential part of the preparation process.

Property Showing

We will present you with properties that meet your specifications (and with your permission we will show you some options you may not have thought about) and offer an unbiased view of each property with the most current and up to date market trends. We also have access to many exclusive listings that are not necessarily available to the general public that we can share to you if it meets your requirements. We will go through an in depth property evaluation to discuss the features of each property that may affect its value and future resale.



Making an offer

We found the right home … what’s next? At this time, we will provide you with a preliminary estimate of closing costs and down payment requirements anticipated in the transaction. We will then prepare a written offer with terms and conditions to protect your best interests and present your purchase offer directly to the seller, where appropriate, in the presence of the listing representative to position you as a “preferred buyer” in a competitive market. The right offer + the right deposit + the right conditions + our expert negotiating skills & experience will get you the right home at the right price. We will always negotiate the best possible price and value on your behalf.

Conditions & inspections

We will recommend & attend a professional property inspection we schedule from our list of knowledgeable inspectors to identify any construction issues of the home, including electrical, insulation and heating and review all inspection reports and other documents pertaining to the condition of the property and answer all questions regarding physical defects of the property which are known to us. We will monitor and inform you of the progress of the purchase agreement, including the satisfaction of all contingencies and conditions during the entire transaction. We will thoroughly review with you any seller’s written disclosure statements (if available) to enable you to accept or specify the remedy for each fault disclosed.

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Congrats! The Sellers have accepted your offer. What’s next? Before closing, we will have opportunities to accompany you on the thorough walk-through of the property to ensure the condition of the property is essentially the same as when the offer was accepted and to verify that any required repairs have been completed. We will also assist you in dealing with any problems discovered during the walk-through.


after sale services

You are officially the new owner! We’ve closed your home but doesn’t mean we are done with our job. We’ll contact you after closing to follow up on any remaining details or service needs. We work with a number of businesses closely and can pass over to you discounts on products and services you may need to help you move into your new home.